Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009, Time for Reflections

So did you all have a good Christmas and Happy New Year? I had a quiet week reflecting about lots of things. And I count my blessings too. Many a times, I read or hear about the bad economy, the weaker currency, the high prices of food and other things.

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine. She had moved to China after a failed marriage with her Australian hubby in mid 2007. They had a big argument in Melbourne where they were staying (while on Sabbatical leave) and out of anger, she left him and took a flight to Singapore, where her home country is. It must have been a heated one. Since then, the hubby refused to have her back.. sigh and she panicked, thinking that it was only another marital squabble.

She had a hard time facing it and soon after that departure and a month of being away, the hubby wanted a divorce. There was no third party but he said he wanted out. Since then, she was in and out of depression, blaming herself and feeling low. That was 2007. It took about 6 months of hibernating at her home in Singapore. She told me how she misses the husband and still loved him but he was having nothing to do with her. Just imagine a 9 year marriage ended just like that.

In 2008, she slowly adjusted her own life back and got back to work. She applied for many overseas posting as she didn't want to be reminded of many bad memories in Singapore. She accepted a job in China for a change of environment and space from busy body relatives in Singapore. With so much heartbreak in 2007 and 2008, I pray that 2009 will be something different for her.

That is why I didn't celebrate much on Christmas and New Year. It was a time for me to count my blessings. A time to appreciate my family and my children.

Have a Blessed New Year too.