Monday, March 23, 2009

Found Spymama Here?

OOPS!!! you've found Spymama here.

This blog was created because
1. I cannot comment on your blogspot blog (only for blogger comments)
2. I overestimate myself and think I am able to maintain all my blogs
3. I wanted to try out blogspot because wordpress is a little boring
4. I like the friendliness of blogspot
5. All my friends have blogspot blogs
6. I didn't know few things about blogging so blogspot helped to rectify lots of stuff
7. I wanted to have a shop, hence the title: Spymama Shop
8. I wanted variety
9. I thought blogspot was cool
10 It's fun to expand to a greener turf
11. I don't have to pay for a domain
12. Hosting also free here

etc etc etc


Friday, March 6, 2009

Hot and Cold

Is it hot where you are? It is in Singapore... Don't tell me it's because of the global warming. Gosh it is scorching especially in the mid day! And sometimes the unexpected passing shower is not helping because the day gets humid and still hot! We need at least half a day of rain before the weather cools down, not an hour!

The family is getting into hot and cold spells. Running nose and coughs. Then heaty and sore throats.. Or perhaps it is my baking? Too much cakes for them!

I'm gonna get some soy bean curd later. Perhaps this can cool down the heat. It's nice when you cool it in the fridge and eat it chill. But do not leave it overnight. It's not really good. Want some?